We bake cakes at home the history and origin of cakes.

There are many records dedicated to cakes. Confectioners from different countries, competing with each other, strive to amaze the public with incredible culinary achievements. The tallest cakes in the world reach a height of several tens of meters, the largest can weigh tons, the longest can stretch for hundreds of meters.

The origin of cakes is a controversial topic. Much depends on what exactly is considered a cake. In one form or another, sweet desserts existed among all peoples. But usually they still believe that the history of the cake began in Italy. After all, the word “cake” itself is of Italian origin, originally meaning round bread. But the confectioner in Italian is called tortaio, i.e., literally the manufacturer of cakes.

cake history

Cakes are an essential attribute of most holidays and special occasions. A number of traditions are associated with them. Wedding cakes are often tiered and decorated with figurines of the newlyweds. And birthday cakes are supplied with candles according to the number of years of the birthday person. It is believed that if the birthday person makes a wish, and then manages to blow out all the candles on the cake at the same time, then the wish will certainly come true.

Photos of cakes

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