A simple homemade biscuit cake with butter-condensed cream - a step-by-step recipe with a photo.

The most important thing in making a sponge cake at home is to bake the “correct” base. Ideally, the sponge cake should not fall off or stick to your hands after baking. Through trial and error, I developed my (already repeatedly tested) homemade recipe for baking such a cake. How to bake a beautiful and tasty base for this delicious biscuit cake, I propose to learn by following my recommendations and a step-by-step recipe with a photo.

Products for biscuit dough:

  • eggs (large) - 5 pcs.;
  • starch - 1 table. lies. with a slide;
  • vanillin - 1 package;
  • sugar - 150 grams (or one glass of 200 ml.)
  • flour - 150 grams (or one glass of 200 ml.)

Biscuit Products

Products for cream and decoration:

  • butter - 1 pack (200 grams);
  • boiled condensed milk - 1 can (400-450 ml.)
  • fruit marshmallow - 1 pc. (100g).

Products for cream and decoration

How to make sponge cake at home.

First we need to prepare the cake. To do this, you need to beat the eggs. You can do this in any way convenient for you: whisk, mixer, fork, blender, combine.

Whisk the eggs for the biscuit

Then, in beaten eggs, we need to add sugar and vanillin. Continue beating the eggs until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Whisk the eggs for the biscuit

After dissolving the sugar, we need to add starch, flour to the eggs and again mix everything well, but gently.

Whisk the eggs for the biscuit

The dough for our biscuit cake should be medium in density.

Biscuit dough

Next, we cover the baking dish with waxed paper, grease it with oil and sprinkle lightly with flour. It is better to take the form with detachable sides.

Detachable biscuit baking dish

Then, it is necessary to pour the finished biscuit dough into the prepared form.

Homemade biscuit cake with butter-condensed cream

And now, the most important point of the recipe is how to bake a biscuit. To bake a beautiful cake, I use a non-standard baking method. Before sending the form with the dough into the preheated oven, I cover it tightly with foil.

Homemade biscuit cake with butter-condensed cream

And in this form, I put the cake to bake first over medium heat for half an hour, and then, reduce the fire to a minimum and bake the cake for another 30 minutes. During baking, the oven must not be opened, the foil must not be removed from the mold until the end of baking.

After an hour, we take the form out of the oven and remove the foil. We check the readiness of the biscuit with a match, as you can see in the photo, the dough does not stick to it. Leave the biscuit to cool in the form.

Homemade biscuit cake

Homemade biscuit cake

In the meantime, we will prepare the cream for layering and decorating the cake.

I make homemade butter cream

Cooking butter cream with condensed milk

I put a jar of condensed milk and a pack of butter in a deep container and mix the mixture well until smooth.

Cooking butter cream with condensed milk

When the biscuit cake has completely cooled, we remove it from the mold. It is very easy to do this in split form. Then, with a long sharp knife, you need to cut the cake in half lengthwise.

Biscuit cake divided into two parts

Next, we put one half of the cake on a dish and generously grease it with cream.

Homemade biscuit cake with butter-condensed cream

We put the second part of the cake on top and spread the remaining oil-condensed cream on it.

Homemade biscuit cake with butter-condensed cream

Homemade biscuit cake with butter-condensed cream

To decorate this cake, I used fruit marshmallows, it gives the dish a pleasant sourness.

Homemade biscuit cake with butter-condensed cream

I just cut the marshmallow into slices and put it on the finished cake. You can decorate the cake according to your taste and mood.

Homemade biscuit cake with butter-condensed cream

Ready homemade biscuit cake should be put in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours so that it is saturated with cream. The biscuit cake will be more delicious if the soaking time with cream is at least 24 hours.

Homemade biscuit cake with butter-condensed cream

Bon appetit everyone!

Homemade biscuit cake with butter-condensed cream

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