Chocolate hazelnut cake with banana cream
Chocolate Hazelnut Cake with Banana Cream prepared according to this recipe will be a good dessert for any occasion.
Tips, recipes, interesting facts.
Chocolate Hazelnut Cake with Banana Cream prepared according to this recipe will be a good dessert for any occasion.
To cook a very delicious German caramel cake Milk Girl (Milchmädchen) at home, divide it into several stages.
Love chocolate cakes? Then I want to treat you to an incredibly delicious homemade masterpiece. Moist biscuit cakes soaked in chocolate cream with an unobtrusive peanut aftertaste are just a godsend for sweet tooth and chocolate addicts.
An event such as a defense or graduation is a great occasion to bake a delicious biscuit diploma cake.
I suggest cooks according to my recipe to prepare a fantastically tasty and beautiful beetroot cake with lemon curd and chocolate icing.
Today I will make a delicious coffee cake with apple biscuit, chocolate and violet mousse and glaze. I must say right away that the proposed mousse cake with mirror glaze is not the easiest to make, but for the sake of the final result, it’s worth “sweating”.
The most delicious chocolate biscuit cake with a layer of delicate Bird's Milk cream in chocolate glaze is dedicated to all lovers of chocolate baking.
Treat yourself on New Year's Eve with an exclusive dessert that will amaze you with its multifaceted taste and beauty of design. A spectacular homemade New Year's cake with pineapple compote will decorate your festive feast, bringing a note of freshness and truly secular chic to it.
I am amazed at people who are indifferent to chocolate. I think that everyone loves it, just in different “dosages”, of course, excluding those who cannot take it for medical reasons. Classic chocolate is very popular among desserts and homemade cakes. Delicious...
Vanilla aroma simply envelops the whole house while you prepare this delicate vanilla cake. In this recipe, simply, the perfect combination of chocolate biscuit, strawberry cream and buttercream. This trio perfectly complement each other in one dessert.