Genoise biscuit with cocoa or chocolate genoese biscuit with butter

Ingredients: , , , , ,

If you don’t always get fluffy biscuits or they don’t hold their shape well and fall off, then this Genoise biscuit recipe is what you need. I will tell and show on step by step photos taken how to properly prepare such a magnificent biscuit. It keeps its shape perfectly after baking and never falls off. The main thing is not to boil the eggs in a water bath. 😉 Today's recipe is about how to bake Genoise butter biscuit with cocoa. I described in detail how to make a classic Genoise biscuit in butter in the Versailles .

We will need:

  • 3 chicken eggs + 2 yolks (D-0);
  • 130 grams of sugar + 1.5 grams of vanillin;
  • 120 grams of premium flour + 20 grams of cocoa;
  • 25 grams of sweet cream butter 72.5%.

How to make Genoise Cocoa Butter Biscuit

First, turn on the oven preheat mode to 180 degrees.

In a heat-resistant bowl, beat the eggs, add the yolks and sugar with vanilla. Stir the whole mixture with a hand whisk and put it in a water bath. The boiling water in the pot should in no way touch the bottom of your bowl. Beat the egg mass until foam forms and the sugar is completely dissolved. Be sure to ensure that the egg mass does not exceed 85 degrees. At higher temperatures, it may curdle.

Chocolate butter biscuit Genoise for cake

Then, transfer the bowl to the table and continue to beat it with a mixer at high speed until a lush and smooth white mass is obtained. Now, add very soft butter and beat again.

Chocolate butter biscuit Genoise for cake

Next, sift the flour together with cocoa and a spatula, with vertical movements, mix them into the egg-butter mixture until completely combined.

Chocolate butter biscuit Genoise for cake

We put our butter biscuit on the second level of the oven for 40-45 minutes. Do not open the oven for the first thirty minutes. (!) Then, check the readiness of the biscuit with a stick. It should remain dry after piercing the cake. Remove the mold from the oven, remove the biscuit and let it cool.

Chocolate butter biscuit Genoise for cake

Then, wrap the Genoise biscuit in cling film and leave to rest. It can be frozen and used for a future cake, like a ready-made biscuit blank.

Chocolate butter biscuit Genoise for cake

When completely cooled, Genoise Chocolate Butter Biscuit can be cut into layers and formed into a cake.

Chocolate butter biscuit Genoise for cake

More details on how to properly bake a chocolate Genoese biscuit will be demonstrated by this video recipe from the Cooking at Home YouTube channel.

Lush biscuits and successful desserts to you. 🙂

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